Please NOTE: We will not exchange money on any rental until we meet in person and sign the lease. We will not do any monetary transaction over the web or over the phone.
3 Bedroom for 3 student or 3 non student friends.
Tap video below and read details before any showing...
New flooring through out
Tenant pays utilities. conservative Est. Gas Summer 18-30 / winter $85-$150, Power $85-$150 yr round all est.
No seperate contracts for seperate rooms.
One lease for whole house.
We give out applications when
showing the place.
Automobiles in daily use only.
No maintenance on automobiles
and auto's have to be in daily use only.
No oil changes.
No satellite dishes.
redit Sco700 aup
Text 1388usu to 435-753-8180
or 435-915-3464 EXT: 3
Property Code below: 1388usu
We comply to federal and State fair housing Laws
We do not discriminate against Familial Status.
We do not discriminate against Race.
We do not discriminate against Sex.
We do not discriminate against any disability-handicap.
We do not discriminate against color.
We do not discriminate against Religion.
We do not discriminate against national origin.
We do not discriminate against source of income.
We do not discriminate against sexual orientation.
We do not discriminate against gender identity.
Thank you for you patience, we do not monitor facebook messenger. If you leave a messenger message it will be a while before we return the messenger message.
We always have other home locations coming up for rent as well, please help us help you when looking for housing.